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i love puzzles

"It's always the small pieces that makes the big picture"

I have been always fascinated by puzzles. Why do I love puzzles?  Because they are very therapeutic and fun. Also because I like bringing order to chaos, they bring a sense of accomplishment and they are really healthy.


In Fact, the brain produces a chemical known as dopamine that is chiefly responsible for learning and memory. Did you know that the production of this chemical increases in the brain at the time when it is engaged in solving the puzzle?  Working on puzzles and solving them provides us with very many helpful benefits like:


- Improve Memory

- Better Problem-Solving Skills

- Improve Visual-Spatial Reasoning

- Delay Dementia and Alzheimer’s

- Improve Mood

- Increase Attention to Detail

- Increase Productivity


Now that you know more about the benefits of puzzles, it may be a good time to start solving some for yourself!


And now that you know why I love puzzles so much, let me show you some of my Puzzle ArtworkClick here if you want to see it. 

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